FOODCITYBOOST is a trailblazing project that will help develop the foundations for turning urban jungles into lush, green, food-producing hubs! We imagine cities where rooftops, balconies, and even vertical spaces are bursting with greenery and fresh produce. This is the future that FOODCITYBOOST is planting seeds for, whilst tackling the major contemporary difficulties such as: climate change, biodiversity loss, and the great divide between urban, peri-urban, and rural areas.
FOODCITYBOOST is on a mission to create cityscapes where urban farming is a cornerstone of sustainable development. With FOODCITYBOOST, the future of urban living is not just green; it's bursting with flavors, colors, and life!
Our Living Lab approach ensuring user centered, open innovation, systematic and user co-creation in real life communities and settings.
4,300-hectare area plans for 15,000 homes with UF as a core element of its development
FOODCITYBOOST will join forces with the Wroclaw Horizon FoodSHIFT2030 Accelerator Lab and its network
Flanders is connected to an exciting urban farming movement fueling a sustainable, food-centric local economy
Urban gardening is on the rise among Sofia's community of 100 gardeners, driven by increasing initiatives
Riga Living Lab comprises two multifunctional markets or food hubs: the Kalnciema Quarter market and the Āgenskalns market.
FOODCITYBOOST is eager to dive into how urban farming enhances this strategy and aligns with the city’s ambitious Climate Action Plan
FOODCITYBOOST will bring together a diverse range of stakeholders from various cities in Europe to evaluate the wide-ranging impacts of different types of urban agriculture systems. The project will study various systems, ranging from community gardens to vertical farming. This research will support the development of decision-support tools to assist policymakers in better incorporating the possibilities offered by urban agriculture initiatives when planning for future cities.
Through a varied network of practical and academic professionals in nine European countries, FOODCITYBOOST will co-create a comprehensive and interdisciplinary knowledge on urban agriculture. To ensure this knowledge is usable to all stakeholders, notably beyond the project, FOODCITYBOOST will highlight best practices and policies in Europe. Furthermore, it will develop tools to assist decision-making of future urban agriculture planning.
FOODCITYBOOST will test and bring what works in urban farming. We will engage stakeholders and actors to plant the seed of tomorrow's food systems allowing vibrant and resilient communities.
Working toward our vision of unlocking urban farming’s potential, FOODCITYBOOST operates six Living Labs, one of the…
By FCB-rff 0 CommentBy RFF A Zero-Acreage Farm refers to a farming system that does not require traditional agricultural land…
By FCB-rff 0 CommentFOODCITYBOOST, a major initiative funded by the Horizon EU programme, centred on urban agriculture primarily in Europe.…
By FCB-rff 0 CommentIntegrated assessment of urban farming impacts and policies for boosting sustainable urban agricultural development linking urban, peri-urban and rural areas.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
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