The Netherlands
Flevo Campus
Flevo Campus (FLEVO) contributes to a healthy and sustainable future by putting food centre stage. Food innovation, in other words, in the broadest sense of the word. Entrepreneurs, researchers, education, policymakers and citizens are involved at an early stage in order to realise a broadly supported change. Flevo Campus is the knowledge and action lab where tough urban food issues are solved. Issues such as the protein transition (‘how do we ensure a switch to a more plant-based diet?’), efficient short chains and the gap between producer and consumer are tackled in concrete programmes and contribute directly to local innovation among entrepreneurs. Researchers and governments are involved at an early stage and citizens are also treated as actors, rather than passive consumers. Thus, Flevo Campus ensures that researchers, entrepreneurs, teachers, citizens and students work together on new solutions for a healthy and sustainable food system.
It is the place where innovations in urban food issues are put into practice. We do this by conducting action-oriented research within our knowledge and action labs. Issues are solved in these labs together with chain partners, so innovations have a direct impact on the entire system. We also connect entrepreneurs with the right knowledge institutes and form the link between business, government, research, education and consumers (quadruple helix). We do this by, among other things, offering an entrepreneurial helpdesk, using vouchers for direct solutions to food issues and our interdisciplinary gastronomy labs.