Peri-Urban Regions Platform Europe
PURPLE (the Peri-Urban Regions Platform Europe) is a participatory network of those interested in the “peri-urban” – a term we use to describe the many and growing number of places in Europe where the urban and rural co-exist. Since 2004, PURPLE has acted as a voice for peri-urban places, actors, and activities – promoting understanding and securing recognition of the critical contribution and potential of locations which are neither “urban” or “rural”, but which constitute a distinct kind of territory in an increasingly joined up Europe.
Constituted under Belgian law, PURPLE encompasses both practice and policy, with a Working Group comprising professional practitioners, and a Lobby Group made up of staff from Brussels representation offices, both operating under instruction from a General Assembly comprising local elected representatives. PURPLE holds events, publishes papers, cooperates with others in bodies such as the EU CAP Network (of which it is a full assembly member), and participates in an evolving series of complementary EU funded projects of which FOODCITYBOOST is the latest example.