Jan-Eelco Jansma from our partner, Wageningen University, has conducted and published an article proposing a new typology of (peri-) urban agriculture in Europe, co-authored by Esther J. Veen and Daniela Müller. The new typology consists of six different types of urban and peri-urban agriculture. It is a valuable tool for policymakers and practitioners to understand, govern, and promote urban agriculture, which aligns with FOODCITYBOOST’s priorities.

As the article suggests, “Many cities in Europe have rediscovered urban agriculture (UA) and peri-urban agriculture as a contributor to a healthier and more sustainable urban environment. However, UA has not yet unfolded its potential due to gaps in knowledge, expertise, and advocacy. A clear typology is instrumental in identifying, understanding, and acknowledging the potential of UA at different levels of policymaking”.

Regarding FOODCITYBOOST, Jan-Eelco stated: “To fully leverage urban agriculture and effectively integrate it into the urban fabric, it is essential to characterise the continuously evolving practices of UA. This paper introduces a novel typology based on a survey of 112 urban agriculture initiatives and 16 expert interviews across Europe carried out as part of the EU Horizon project EFUA. The typology proposes to divide urban agriculture into six types and provides a structured approach to understanding the complex landscape of urban agriculture throughout Europe. Consequently, it serves as a valuable tool for policymakers and practitioners, offering both a foundational step toward a common understanding and a method for organising the diverse manifestations of urban agriculture. In FOODCITYBOOST, this typology will be one of the fundamentals of a further assessment of urban agricultural’ s impacts and policies”.

The six types of Urban Agriculture in Europe

The article outlines the six types of urban and peri-urban agriculture as follows:

  1. Urban farm
  2. Community park
  3. Do-it-yourself garden or farm
  4. Zero acreage farm
  5. Social farm
  6. Community garden

To read more on each distinct type of UA and how these types have been defined, click here to read the full article.